Tuesday, February 10, 2015

sorry. and 5 forgotten aj facts

hi guys
I'm sorry for not returning. This has to be like the third or fourth time I've done this. (i did it on my old blog too) I guess I'm just not cut to be a blogger
but not many aj ppl still blog so what's the point in even restarting again
I'm not going to be an AJ update blogger anymore, sorry guys. but i will post from time to time
just not about updates but rather about cool stuff that has been forgotten on aj
like this.

5 Rather Unknown AJ Facts

1. There once were worns that were Irish green (not the pale green-grey coloured worn, think of leaves from a lush forest) back in 2011 and early-ish 2012. Only 1-2 of them were known to exist and many people didn't know about them. 
By November 2012, when nonmember rares first became prizes that you could get if you reached the very top in Sky High, they were forgotten and unheard of
by now i don't know if any proof is left (pretty sure the blogs that had posts about them were deleted) so feel free to think this is fake. pretty sure everyone has forgotten about them
2. Freedom wings and helmets were once one of the rarest items on the entire game. If you started playing sometime between 2010 and mid-2012, I'm sure you'd know this. Only about 3 pairs of Freedom Wings were known to exist at the time, due to the fact they were only in Jam Mart Clothing for a few days after the game's release. After November 2012, when they were available as Sky High prizes, they became very common.

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